Acharya, Bobby SamirDenef, FrederikValandro, Roberto20052011-09-0720052011-09-072005JHEP 06(2005)056 study the vacuum statistics of ensembles of M theory compactifications on G2 holonomy manifolds with fluxes, and of ensembles of Freund-Rubin vacua. We discuss similarities and differences between these and Type IIB flux landscapes. For the G2 ensembles, we find that large volumes are strongly suppressed, and for both, unlike the IIB case, the distribution of cosmological constants is non-uniform. We also argue that these ensembles typically have exponentially more non-supersymmetric than supersymmetric vacua, and show that supersymmetry is virtually always broken at a high scale.692456 bytesapplication/pdfen-USStatistics of M theory vacuaPreprint