Butti, AgostinoForcella, DavideZaffaroni, Alberto2006-07-262011-09-072006-07-262011-09-072006-07-26JHEP 02 (2007) 081https://openscience.sissa.it/handle/1963/1849We discuss several examples of non-toric quiver gauge theories dual to Sasaki-Einstein manifolds with U(1)^2 or U(1) isometry. We give a general method for constructing non-toric examples by adding relevant deformations to the toric case. For all examples, we are able to make a complete comparison between the prediction for R-charges based on geometry and on quantum field theory. We also give a general discussion of the spectrum of conformal dimensions for mesonic and baryonic operators for a generic quiver theory; in the toric case we make an explicit comparison between R-charges of mesons and baryons.563929 bytesapplication/pdfen-USDeformations of conformal theories and non-toric quiver gauge theoriesPreprint