Parameswaran, Susha L.Westphal, Alexander2007-03-022011-09-072007-03-022011-09-072007-03-02Fortschritte der Physik 55 (2007) 804-810 this note, we review our construction of de Sitter vacua in type IIB flux compactifications, in which moduli stabilization and D-term uplifting can be combined consistently with the supergravity constraints. Here, the closed string fluxes fix the dilaton and the complex structure moduli while perturbative quantum corrections to the K\"ahler potential stabilize the volume Kahler modulus in an AdS_4-vacuum. Then, magnetized D7-branes provide consistent supersymmetric D-term uplifting towards dS_4. Based on hep-th/0602253.144642 bytesapplication/pdfen-USConsistent de Sitter String Vacua from Kahler Stabilization and D-term upliftingPreprint