Dubrovin, Boris2013-02-132013-02-131991-11Preprint n.117, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, November 1991, 31 pp. Published in: Surveys in Differential Geometry , Vol. IV (1999), p. 213 - 238.https://openscience.sissa.it/handle/1963/6475We construct flat Riemannian metrics on moduli spaces of algebraic curves with marked meromorphic function. This gives a new class of exact algebraic-geometry solutions to certain non-linear equations in terms of functions on the moduli spaces. We show that the Riemannian metrics on the moduli spaces coincide with two-point correlators in topological conformal field theory and calculate the partition function for A_n model for arbitrary genus. A universal method for constructing complete families of conservation laws for Whitham-type hierarchies of PDEs is also proposed.enDifferential geometry of moduli spaces and its applications to soliton equations and to topological conformal field theoryPreprintMAT/03 GEOMETRIA