Tasso, Emanuele2019-06-272019-06-272019-06https://openscience.sissa.it/handle/1963/35337In this paper we investigate the fine properties of functions under suitable geometric conditions on the jump set. Precisely, given an open set Ω С Rn and given p > 1 we study the blow-up of functions u Є2 GSBV (Ω), whose jump sets belongs to an appropriate class Jp and whose approximate gradient is p-th power summable. In analogy with the theory of p-capacity in the context of Sobolev spaces, we prove that the blow-up of u converges up to a set of Hausdorff dimension less than or equal to n - p. Moreover, we are able to prove the following result which in the case of W1,p (Ω) functions can be stated as follows: whenever uk strongly converges to u, then up to subsequences, uk pointwise converges to u except on a set whose Hausdorff dimension is at most n - p.enblow-up, special bounded variationindecomposable setjump setperimeter, rectifiable setCheeger's constantisoperimetric profilePoincare's inequality.On the blow-up of GSBV functions under suitable geometric properties of the jump setPreprint