Exirifard, Ghasem2006-07-212011-09-072006-07-212011-09-072006-07-21JHEP 0703 (2007) 074https://openscience.sissa.it/handle/1963/1843All the linear alpha-prime corrections in the compactification of the critical Heterotic string theory on T^6 are computed for a BPS static spherical four dimensional dyonic black hole representing a wrapped fundamental string carrying arbitrary winding and momentum charges along one cycle in the presence of KK-monopole and H-monopole charges associated to another cycle. It is showed that the corrections to the modified Hawking-Bekenstein entropy can not be reproduced by the inclusion of only the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian to the supergravity approximation of the Lagrangian for dyons.230160 bytesapplication/pdfenThe world-sheet corrections to dyons in the Heterotic theoryPreprint