Casati, Matteo2013-12-102013-12-102013-12-06 theory of Poisson Vertex Algebras (PVAs) is a good framework to treat Hamiltonian partial differential equations. A PVA consist of a pair $(\mathcal{A},\{\cdot_{\lambda}\cdot\})$ of a differential algebra $\mathcal{A}$ and a bilinear operation called the $\lambda$-bracket. We extend the definition to the class of algebras $\mathcal{A}$ endowed with $d\geq 1$ commuting derivations. We call this structure a multidimensional PVA: it is a suitable setting to the study of deformations of the Poisson bracket of hydrodynamic type associated to the Euler's equation of motion of $d$-dimensional incompressible fluids. We prove that for $d=2$ all the first order deformations of such class of Poisson brackets are trivial.1. Introduction 1.1 Poisson Vertex Algebras 1.2 Poisson brackets of hydrodynamic type and their deformations 2. Multidimensional Poisson Vertex Algebras 2.1 Formal map space 2.2 Poisson bivector and Poisson brackets 2.3 Poisson Vertex Algebras 2.4 Proof of Master formula 2.5 Cohomology of Poisson Vertex Algebras 3. Multidimensional Poisson brackets of hydrodynamic type 3.1 Deformation of Lie-Poisson bracket of hydrodynamic type 3.2 Proof of Theorem 5 4. Concluding remarksenOn deformations of multidimensional Poisson brackets of hydrodynamic typePreprintHamiltonian operatorHydrodynamic Poisson bracketPoisson Vertex AlgebraMAT/07 FISICA MATEMATICA