Dubrovin, BorisStrachan, Ian A.B.Zhang, YoujinZuo, Dafeng2018-05-232018-05-232015https://openscience.sissa.it/handle/1963/35316For the root systems of type Bl, Cl and Dl, we generalize the result of [7] by showing the existence of Frobenius manifold structures on the orbit spaces of the extended affine Weyl groups that correspond to any vertex of the Dynkin diagram instead of a particular choice made in [7]. It also depends on certain additional data. We also construct LG superpotentials for these Frobenius manifold structures.enextended affine Weyl groupFrobenius manifoldLG superpotentialExtended affine Weyl groups of BCD type, Frobenius manifolds and their Landau-Ginzburg superpotentialsPreprintMAT/07