Gallone, MatteoMichelangeli, AlessandroPozzoli, Eugenio2020-03-202020-03-202019 p.We classify the self-adjoint realisations of the Laplace-Beltrami operator minimally defined on an infinite cylinder equipped with an incom-plete Riemannian metric of Grushin type, in the non-trivial class of metrics yielding an infinite deficiency index. Such realisations are naturally interpreted as Hamiltonians governing the geometric confinement of a Schr¨odinger quan-tum particle away from the singularity, or the dynamical transmission across the singularity. In particular, we characterise all physically meaningful exten-sions qualified by explicit local boundary conditions at the singularity. Within our general classification we retrieve those distinguished extensions previously identified in the recent literature, namely the most confining and the most transmitting one.enGeometry and Mathematical PhysicsGeometric Confinement and Dynamical Transmission of a Quantum Particle in Grushin CylinderPreprint