Bruzzo, UgoMarkushevich, DimitriTikhomirov, Alexander2010-09-082011-09-072010-09-082011-09-072010-09-08 construct a compactification $M^{\mu ss}$ of the Uhlenbeck-Donaldson type for the moduli space of slope stable framed bundles. This is a kind of a moduli space of slope semistable framed sheaves. We show that there exists a projective morphism $\gamma \colon M^s \to M^{\mu ss}$, where $M^s$ is the moduli space of S-equivalence classes of Gieseker-semistable framed sheaves. The space $M^{\mu ss}$ has a natural set-theoretic stratification which allows one, via a Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence, to compare it with the moduli spaces of framed ideal instantons.496341 bytesapplication/pdfen-USUhlenbeck-Donaldson compactification for framed sheaves on projective surfacesPreprint