Bruzzo, UgoMarkushevich, DimitriTikhomirov, Alexander2015-08-102015-08-102013-12 preprint has been published with the title "Moduli of symplectic instanton vector bundles of higher rank on projective space P-3 " in CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Volume: 10, issue 4, Augst 2012, pages 1232-1245.We introduce the notion of tame symplectic instantons by excluding a kind of pathological monads and show that the locus $I^*_{n,r}$ of tame symplectic instantons is irreducible and has the expected dimension, equal to $4n(r+1)-r(2r+1)$. The proof is inherently based on a relation between the spaces $I^*_{n,r}$ and the moduli spaces of 't Hooft instantons.enVector bundlesSymplectic bundlesInstantonsModuli spaceSymplectic instanton bundles on P3 and 't Hooft instantonsPreprintMAT/03